Ramsey Island RSPB Nature Reserve

Breeding birds – 2015

(Includes the Bishops and Clerks where indicated)

 37 species confirmed breeding

Canada goose                      Branta canadensis               1 pair (1 in 2014)

Mallard                                   Anas platyrhynchos             2 pairs (1 in 2014)

Northern fulmar                    Fulmarus glacialis               267 AOS (262 in 2014)

Manx shearwater                 Puffinus puffinus                   3,835 pairs in 2012

Storm petrel                           Hydrobates pelagicus         min 8 AOS Ramsey

149 AOS B&C 2010

European shag                    Phalacrocorax aristotelis    15 pairs in 2012

Common buzzard                Buteo buteo                           1 pairs (2 in 2013)

Kestrel                                    Falco tinnunculus                 1 pair, 4 young fledged

Peregrine falcon                  Falco peregrinus                  3 pairs (3 in 2014)

Oystercatcher                       Haematopus ostralegus      16 pairs (32 in 2013)

Herring gull                           Larus argentatus                  221 AON in 2013

Lesser black-backed gull    Larus fuscus                          139 AON in 2013

Great black-backed gull      Larus marinus                       25 AON in 2013

Kittiwake                                Rissa trydactyla                    127 AON (149 in 2014)

Common guillemot              Uria aalge                              4,403 individuals Razorbill              Alca tord            1,222 individuals

Atlantic puffin                       Fractecular arctica               60 individuals N. Bishop

Feral pigeon                         Columba livia                       no survey

Little owl                                Athene noctua                      2 pairs (4 in 2014)

Skylark                                   Alauda arvensis                   8 pairs (18 in 2014)

Barn swallow                                    Hirundo rustica                     12 pairs (10 in 2014)

House martin                                    Delichon urbicum                 8 pairs (1 in 2014)

Meadow pipit                                    Anthus pratensis                  63 pairs (64 in 2014)

Rock pipit                              Anthus petrosus                   32 pairs (33 in 2014)

Pied wagtail                          Motacilla alba                       8 pairs (6 in 2014)

Wren                                      Troglodytes troglodytes       36 pairs (60 in 2014)

Dunnock                               Prunella modularis              12 pairs (17 in 2014)

European stonechat                       Saxicola torquata                 19 pairs (22 in 2014)

Northern wheatear              Oenanthe oenanthe             85 pairs (59 in 2014)

Blackbird                               Turdus merula                      14 pairs (18 in 2014)

Whitethroat                           Sylvia communis                 5 pairs (10 in 2014)

Chiffchaff                              Phylloscopus collybita        1 pair (1 in 2014)

Jackdaw                                Corvus monedula                no survey

Chough                                 Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax     7 pairs,17 young fledged Carrion crow           Corvus corone         7 pairs (5 in 2014)

Raven                                                Corvus corax                         3 pairs (2 in 2014)

Linnet                                     Carduelis cannabina           66 pairs (42 in 2014)