30/5 A few porpoise sighted between Grassholm Island and the Smalls Lighthouse
25/5 1 pod common dolphin approx 25, 1 pod dolphin approx 40, 1 pod porpoise 6
27/5 1 minke whale and approximately 90 to 100 common dolphin
29/5 3 pods common dolphin, 80 to 100 in each pod, lots of individuals sighted
29/5 common dolphins, a number of pods circa 8, circa 40, circa 25, circa 10
2/6 3 pods common dolphins 10 to 20 in each
4/6 circa 20 porpoise seen throughout boat trip
15/6 Rissos dolphin x 8, common dolphin 3 pods of about 30 in each
25/6 Common Dolphin in Ramsey Sound for a good hour, common dolphin offshore
6/7 1 pod of common dolphin approx 15, 2 x pairs, few individuals
7/7 sighting of common dolphin in groups of 3 to 10
11/7 2 pods of common dolphin, 20 to 40 in each
13/7 Common Dolphin, singles, pairs and small pod of 6 whales
16/7 Rissos Dolphins x 2, one was dark adult with some scaring and very dark triangular dorsel fin the other was smaller and carried a falcated fin
17/7 2 pods common dolphin 10 to 20 in each, minke whale, 5 pilot whale, 8 risso dolphin. Minke whale & calf inshore.
21/7 common dolphin approx 40
22/7 Rissos dolphins x 5, common dolphin over 50 and 3 calves sighted
23/7 2 pods common dolphin 40 to 50 in each and 2 calves, sunfish
23/7 Two large Basking Sharks both 20 ft plus
24/7 7 porpoise
24/7 2 separate sightings of 1 minke and 1 minke and calf
25/7 porpoise and distant common dolphin
27/7 Pilot Whales x 5, common dolphins 250 plus, storm petrels
27/7 1 x minke and 1 x pilot whale, c150 common dolphin probable mating occurred by boat
28/7 common dolphins 70 to 80 in pod
28/7 common dolphins 3 pods, 50 to 100 in each
29/7 large pod of common dolphins in seconds
30/7 common dolphin pod of approx 15, rissos dolphins 2 adults and calf
31/7 small pod 10 common dolphin, another pod of common dolphin 100+
31/7 Orca x 12 feeding near boat, common dolphin x 30+, common dolphins 20 to 30
1/8 One large Basking Shark about 20 ft long
3/8 Common Dolphin plus calfs and juveniles approx 100 to 200 leaping, swimming and bowriding with boat, feeding frenzie of gannets and shearwaters with whales in the middle, 1 minke whale and 1 Said whale
7/8 Approx 100 common dolphin in 2 pods of 30+ with other smaller groups around unlike other recent sighting mainly adults with some very active juveniles and 2 very small calfs, probable mating occured
10/8 5 pods of common dolphin, 1 pod very playful and bowriding
31/8 7 to 8 sightings of a minke whale possibly 2, one larger whale sighted possibly Sei whale, pod of common dolphins approx 25 to 30
1/9 Common dolphin including juveniles and calfs 100+
2/9 4 pods of common dolphin from 8 to30 per pod
4/9 100+ common dolphin throughout trip
7/9 3 pods of common dolphin, 1 whale in the distance, possibly minke whale
9/9 3 pods of common dolphin including tiny calfs
10/9 1 Basking shark, 100’s of common dolphin jumping in the distance