The RSPB Nature Reserve of Grassholm island

a small remote offshore island supporting tens of thousands of breeding gannets. This is the fourth largest colony in the world for this breed.

Grassholm is both the oldest RSPB reserve in Wales, and the only northern gannet colony in Wales. With Tens of thousands pairs of breeding gannets it is the fourth largest in the world behind Bass Rock and St Kilda.

The uninhabited rocky island of Grassholm, which is 42 metres in elevation at its highest point, lies 15 kilometers off the Southern Pembrokeshire Coast. The island is remote and exposed and surrounded by difficult and turbulent seas. This is a prominent area for feeding Porpoise, Common Dolphins and Rissos Dolphins.

Grassholm Island was the first RSPB island established in Wales in 1948, and no public landing is permitted.

The Island comes alive in early spring, with gannets returning to the island from late February onwards. The air is filled with males returning with nesting materials keen to establish territory ready to attract females.

A single egg is laid in April and chicks begin to hatch in early June. The chicks are then fed by both parents for around 90 days until they are fully grown, and ready to leave the island in late August and throughout September.

The best way to see Grassholm and all its incredible Bird and Marine life is by joining us on our Grassholm Seabird Spectacular trip.